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Shaanxi Dongshuo Chemical Co., Ltd.

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magnesium chloride
magnesium chloride
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: CAS NO.£º 7786-30-3;14989-29-8 EINECS NO.£º 232-094-6 Molecular weight£º 60.7659 InChI£º InChI=1/ClH.Mg.H/h1H;;/q;+2;-1/p-1

aluminum hydroxide
aluminum hydroxide
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: CAS NO.£º 21645-51-2 EINECS NO£º 244-492-7 Molecular weight£º 81.0257 InChI£º InChI=1/Al.3H2O/h;3*1H2/q+3;;;

poly(vinyl chloride)
poly(vinyl chloride)
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: CAS NO.£º 9002-86-2;93050-82-9 EINECS NO.£º 200-831-0 Molecular weight£º 62.4982 InChI£º InChI=1/C2H3Cl/c1-2-3/h2H,1H2

sodium pyrophosphate anhydrous
sodium pyrophosphate anhydrous
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: CAS NO.£º 7722-88-5 EINECS NO.£º 231-767-1 Molecular formula£º Na4P2O7 Molecular weight£º 265.9 InChI£º InChI=1/4Na.H4O7P2/c;;;;1-8(2,3)7-9(4,5)6/h;;;;(H2,1,2,3)(H2,4,5,6)/q4*+1;/p-4

zinc oxide
zinc oxide
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: InChI£º InChI=1/O.Zn/q-2;+2 Molecular weight£º 81.4084

potassium sulphate
potassium sulphate
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: CAS NO.£º 7778-80-5 EINECS NO.£º 231-915-5 Molecular formula£º K2SO4 Molecular weight£º 174.24 InChI£º InChI=1/2K.H2O4S/c;;1-5(2,3)4/h;;(H2,1,2,3,4)/q2*+1;/p-2

acetic acid
acetic acid
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: CAS NO.£º 64-19-7 EINECS NO.£º 200-580-7 Molecular weight£º 60.05 InChI£º InChI=1/C2H4O2/c1-2(3)4/h1H3,(H,3,4)

sodium hexametaphosphate
sodium hexametaphosphate
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: CAS NO.£º 10124-56-8 EINECS NO.£º 233-343-1 Molecular weight£º 611.7704 InChI£º InChI=1/6Na.H6O18P6/c;1-19(2)13-20(3,4)15-22(7,8)17-24(11,12)18+23(9,10)16-21(5,6)14-19/h;;;;;;(H,1,2)(H,3,4)(H,5,6)(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/q...

carbon nanotubes
carbon nanotubes
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: CAS NO.£º 1333-86-4 EINECS NO.£º 215-609-9 Molecular weight£º 12.0107 InChI£º InChI=1/C

stearic acid
stearic acid
Specification: 99.6%
Detail: CAS NO.£º 57-11-4 EINECS NO.£º 200-313-4 Molecular weight£º 284.48 InChI£º InChI=1/C18H36O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18(19)20/h2-17H2,1H3,(H,19,20)
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